Effective Social Media Tips for Real Estate Professionals
Eighty percent of buyers are scouring the Web for their future homes while 83 percent want to view pictures of real estate properties online, according to software and service firm Contactually. In addition, approximately 91 percent of realtors are already leveraging social media to draw prospective property buyers. Thus, there is not much room for slacking off. You need to boost your digital marketing approach each and every time.
Here are top tips and tricks to help make your day-to-day forays in social media consistently successful.
Match the Content with the Platform
Instagram is the best social networking platform for showcasing those breathtakingly staged open-house photos of yours. The same is true for Pinterest. Twitter, on the other hand, is great at positioning yourself as a consummate expert. When tweeting, have concise talking points that pulse with insight. It also helps greatly to align yourself among the top players in real estate. Meanwhile, your YouTube and Pinterest accounts can feature well-made walkthrough videos of the properties you are selling.
Use appropriate hashtags sparingly and efficiently so you don’t sound like a robot. Zillow, a Seattle-based real estate marketplace, has identified some of the most important keywords for realtors. Examples include #RealEstate, #HouseHunting, #HomesForSale, #Mortgage, #JustListed, and #Foreclosure.
Facebook is the most crucial multimedia platform. To boost engagement on Facebook, layer images or videos along with text. Keep in mind that video is a potent multimedia vehicle. It would be great if you can invest on a few that play you up while talking about the key selling points of your locale, for instance. You might also want to consider paid Facebook advertising. And when you do, always enter the correct target audience preferences.
Optimize on All Fronts
Your various social media accounts should carry the same level of care and precision evident in your website. You may have taken great pains to ensure that, at the minimum, the webpages load properly on mobile devices, the web copy is smartly composed, and that the overall design does not reflect the web design elements of the 1990s. This professional branding should also be consistent throughout your conduct across social media.
Profile and header images should be well thought out and polished. The header must contain an appropriate call to action such as a text overlay complete with your contact details. Catchy header image ideas could be a photo of your office or a property that you sold recently.
Engage, Engage, Engage
Engage with social media users, home buyers and sellers alike. Don’t just put out a series of URLs, hashtags, and photos all over the place. On Twitter, for example, consider retweeting relevant content in your area and then directly tweeting “thank you” to the original poster. Use the search function to find Twitter users in your area that are on the lookout for properties to rent or buy. Additionally, take time to join conversations centering on popular hashtags for real estate professionals.
The Bottom Line
Your social media accounts can muscle in much-needed traffic to your listings. Because the traffic that you want to generate is the type that converts into a sale, pay attention to the fact that the real estate market can be largely personality driven. So play up your most interesting angle and infuse it with sincerity, authenticity, and professionalism.