5 Strategies to Grow Your Instagram Followers

5 Strategies to Grow Your Instagram Followers

5 Strategies to Grow Your Instagram Followers

Experience the magic of Instagram

Some businesses make Instagram look so easy. They create their profile and seemingly explode! In this article, we will take a look at some strategies you can try to grow your Instagram followers.

If you already have an Instagram account, you’re probably familiar with the pain of posting regularly and not seeing your desired results. You may even feel like it’s a waste of your time to create quality posts that you’re not sure are even being seen. Don’t lose heart! Instagram boasts the highest engagement rate of any social media platform. With these simple but effective tips, you too can experience the magic of Instagram.

1. Make it fun!

Aww.sam uses colour and fun to make her life look like one big party! Everybody could use a little more fun in their lives, and Instagram is an excellent outlet for that. Use colour to capture the energy of your business and your passion for it.

2. Hold contests!

Contests are a GREAT way to expose your brand to new people. Having people follow your page, and tag their friends opens up your brand to fresh eyes that may already be interested in what you’re offering. Additionally, Instagram contests are perfect to boost engagement with the followers you already have. The most commented on posts on Instagram are contests!

Make sure you follow Instagram’s promotion guidelines to ensure your contest will be effective and not damage your account in any way.

3. Regram your followers

Set up a branded hashtag (search it first to make sure it is already being used) and let your users do the hard work of creating content for you! DockAtot uses the hashtag #dockatot to monitor what people are tagging them in. All they have to do is choose the posts that fit with the spirit and energy of their brand. Make sure you get permission and tag the original poster in your post.

4. Collaborate

Feature other influencers on your profile. By highlighting guests – and their content – you expose yourself to their audience and therefore grow your own! Another great thing you can do is collaborate with like-minded brands on contests! (Contests really do work!) DockAtot aced this one again! By partnering with other brands, you can increase both of your follower lists –  that sounds like a win-win-win!

5. Engage back!

Take the time to craft engaging descriptions for your photos. Ask questions of your followers – but don’t leave them hanging when they actually respond! Gardensofthesun uses captions to tell her followers something that they can relate to easily, or asks them a question that they will love to answer! Then, she takes it one step further to respond to people who took the time to answer thoughtfully.

Your goal with your Instagram should be to make people’s lives brighter and better. Generate content that people genuinely want to see — and if you want people to engage, engage back with them! These are just a few of the tricks you can try. They are pretty simple to implement — so start today! Let us know in the comments if you tried any of these, and how they worked for you.

S h a r e M e !