7 Social Media Ideas for Halloween
Dressing up for Halloween?

Halloween at SOS Media Corp
We’re not just talking about costumes, we also mean your social media marketing. Here are seven ways to use Halloween as a marketing tool this Halloween!
1. Change your cover photo
Make a Halloween themed cover photo to show us your company’s festive side! Having a cover photo that changes with the seasons and holidays makes people aware that your brand is up to date!
2. Tie Halloween into your product or service
Sell coffee? Show a photo of coffee in a Halloween mug. Sell pet food? Share a picture of a puppy dressed up in a costume!
3. Make sure you post something the day of
Whether you post pictures of your staff dressed up in costumes, your Halloween decor, or the candy your team has been eating all day – this is a great way to show off your team and your brand’s personality.
4. Post tips or tricks that could be helpful for the holiday
Share safety tips for parents, food recipes, cool costume ideas, candy safety for children.
5. Promote any upcoming events
Advertise your event through Facebook! Design a post around the event, create a Facebook event and invite people to attend your party!
6. Hold a Halloween giveaway
Themed giveaways are a great way to get people engaging on your page! Create a Best Costume contest, a giveaway for tickets to a local Halloween party, or a Halloween themed prize.