4 Ways to Lure Business with Pokemon GO

4 Ways to Lure Business with Pokemon GO

4 Ways to Lure Business with Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO is the latest and greatest in augmented reality.

It seamlessly blends real life and the imagination together. During your daily commute or stroll, you can open this free app on both Android and iOS and catch ’em all as well as find PokeStops and battle PokeGyms. A few things to note: Pokemon are typically located in geographical regions that reflect the type of Pokemon they are, PokeStops are usually businesses/buildings and notable landmarks, and PokeGyms are larger locations, such as universities and churches.

What can your business get out of Pokemon GO?

With such a popular game, there must be a way for your business to ride the wave, right? We have observed some different ways that you can lure (ba-dum-tss) potential customers to your business.

  • If you are located near, or your business is situated on, a PokeStop, invest in Lure Modules in the shop section of the app. To do so, you can purchase PokeCoins using a credit card. Use these coins to buy Lure Modules. Currently, ~$15 will get you enough coins to buy 16 Lure Modules. When you use a Lure Module on a PokeStop, it attracts Pokemon to the location for 30 minutes, thus attracting more users to your location!
  • Similar to #1, encourage clientele to drop Lure Modules. Have them show you that they have done so and offer a discount. Where there are Lure Modules, there are PokeTrainers. Our social media strategist & copywriter, Lindsey, noticed this technique by LIK N2 Ice Cream in Vancouver.

How LIK N2 Ice Cream in Vancouver used Pokemon GO to their benefit

Have a Pokemon-of-the-week discount!

Let’s say the Pokemon is Pidgey. Your business, if it is a retail business or restaurant, could offer a discount when players show that they have caught a Pidgey (we likely all have, since they are eeeverywhere). Take Hudsons Canada’s Pub (Whyte Ave) for example. If you catch or have an Eevee in your Pokedex, you will receive 20% off your entire bill. Pretty sweet deal, hey?

Taken from Hudsons Canada’s Pub Facebook Page

Host a photo contest!

Using the augmented reality feature, when the Pokemon GO app has access to your camera, there is an option to take a picture when you are catching Pokemon. Sometimes you get some pretty funny shots when you pose with the characters – check out one our staff took while on a break the other day! We found a Nidoran♀! Make a Facebook post announcing that you are running a photo contest. Have your audience comment with their best Pokemon picture. The most creative one wins a prize!

Robyn & Leyla are the ultimate Pokemasters!


What do you think? What other techniques have you observed where businesses are benefiting from Pokemon GO? We’d love to hear them!

Let us know if you have any questions by contacting us!

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